Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Master of Religion Lesson-19: Religious Denominations

   This Lesson 19, really breakdown what is a Denomination? A Denomination is aset of like 'brand' of Christainity. There are four Church groups, of that direction, they are the Catholic,Protestant, Lutheran or perhaps a Christain.
 The Denominations have been part of the Christain landscape since the Reformation. The Catholic and Orthodox Christains been around for more than hundreds of years before the seismic shift gave us the Lutherans, and the Reformed, the Anabaptist Brethrens and the Mennonites.
 The Church began in the east among the Greek-speaking Jews, and the language of the ancient church was Greek. The rites of the Church, such as baptism and the Eucharist, were called *mysteries* of the church, and they are still in the Eastern Church. Mystery is a Greek word that was often used in philosophical and religious discussions to refer to knowledge that was once unclear, but is now revealed.
 The Ancient church called the mystery  of our**faith**, because they believed that the Old Testament had been teaching these doctrines all along, but they were only clear in Jesus Christ.
 Many people seen to believe that they have recieve Gods order to become Priest and to start their own Church. Most of them probably have not sufficent qualifications to do so, other think that being able to quote the Bible verus parts quote flently, thier disbality and lack of knowledge to actually perform the sacramental church procedures.
 Lets' talk about Money, some of these so-called churches appears to talk more about donations than God words, laws, statues, commandments, decrees. Most people I would guess are somewhat confuse with a Ordained Minsiter with a Business Manager. We all accept that a Church must recieve donations and tithling, and gifts to exist and upkeep the ministry to continue the mission for the Lords will for us that alies in the heart of faith, inside our spirit and truths well-being on earth.
  Also lets' remember through everything we do in his church, to serve Him.  Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, It's his will to live by his words that are choosen for us to live a better life here internal and external for mankind on earth.

Minsiter PJWard
Feb.1, 2011

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