Minister Phyllis J Ward, Ordain from *God*
First let me introduce myself, I am the I am, because God gives me favor to be, and choose me to be and I choose to do his will . I'm highly favored because I highly favor him in my life. I'm blessed to be filled with his holy present, and he gave his son Jesus to me and the world to gain the holy ghost, I'm glad to be walking in his anointing power of miracles, baptizied at a early age of 12years old at Saint Luke Baptist Church in Fort Gaines Ga, were I gave my heart and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ repenting of all sins and asking for savalation upon my life at early age.
The James, Cannon, Bankston, Stanley, Frankins started the Saint Luke Baptist church in the early 1920's, which they are my foreparents of history of my decrease, greatgrandparents, grandparents & parents of my heirs & heritages. One decrease silbling with parents Jacqueline James,I'm the 7th child of my parents children living, born from two christain and powerful well-beings that carry my life until I was able to carry my on. Brother Iziah W. James and Sister Margain J. (Sampson) James. Both already gone ahead to join Lord in his heavenly place. I'm the youngest silbling of my parents children, but not the lest forgotten, because of my love I have for Jesus and my heart being so real in this land of mankind. I have always love going to worship God, in the foundations, building, the church which is in our fleshly body of Christ. I would do youth children programs and speaches at Saint Luke Baptist Church under the powerful: Rev. Dixon for 15years of my life. I sing in for the Lord two years but didn't like it, I was bored being in a choral in front of everyone looking and staring at me, but that when I see I had something special , I could sing and everyone would smile and praise the Lord with my deep and strong anointed voice as a young teenager.
I could remember when I was young teenager , I would have dreams and couldn't understand what the meaning until today, from God calling. I would have dreams of things happening and I would know things that would happen before they took place. Deaths, sickness, health problems also some very great things as well. I find myself , at the middle of the nite around 2:30-3:30pm waking up in cold or hot sweats. God was trying to get me to do something in the flesh, the Lord was trying to send his love and power and miracles to save his children and myself.
I needed to pray for someone and myself to be delivered from whatever the evil spirit was trying to do to God people.
It took me to go through my trails, trumoils, tribulations of life , deaths and his tests through not being obedient , to get what God his astored appond my life for serving him in sprirt and in truth. I'm older in age, wiser with time, I've gain God understanding through reading his words, and mediating on his spirit and recieve knowledge through his glory and grace that keep us ,and he continue to gives me mercy from day to day of mankind.
I've be been blessed with two kings in my life from God at young adult grown age. My first son Kenny, I had when I was 21 years old and when I gave birth to him, I went home from the hospital two weeks later and find out I was diagnostic with stomach cancer. I had a blood clot that grew into the bottom of my stomach, today I have a Cross that remind me everyday of what happen in surgery and I know the meaning of these scars, today. God lightly affected me to save me from the world in the flesh. This blood colt cause me to be on my death bed for 4months in ICU. Thats' when my true calling was brought to my face, but as a young lady still in the world I didn't understand God hand been place on me. My family gave up on me, in the flesh, but God wouldn't let that happen to me in his holy hands . I could here them saying she's not fighting hard enough to live, but I was they didn't believe in me like my Father in heaven and on earth did. I remeber my fleshly father ask me if I could hear him , and If I could say Jesus in my spirit and mind, and I did. I couldn't speak out loud, but my soul was reaching out to my father on earth and In Heaven. This is a storm God placed in my life, because of the plan he had for me, just like when I was born in my mother womb,this was destine to take place and the righteous never be forsaken. On my death bed I heard a voice and seen vision of light smoke gray clouds, the voice told me and said it's not your time child, I thought I was going crazy, because I heard voices without seening a person there. Voice keep saying I have a job for you on earth for my people, I was like ok. That's when I heard my decrease grandfather Brother Noble James say your father needs you, your mother needs you, your sibling needs you, your just born babyson need you. So fight Phyllis you can do it, open your heart to Jesus and let him in, speak and words will come out, just do it.
I know you are choosen to stay on earth, so fight, fight for life, don't choose death.
I begin to move the next morning and the nurses and doctor when surprise at what took place, It was God miracles that save me, the praying of righteous beening answer that got me here and second chance of life.
When my eyes started to move, mouth also started with words , that's when I begin to read what I was taught at a young children in church, sunday school, elementary school to worship and praise and think the Lord for his grace & mercy. I started reading outloud Psalm -23 Chapter: 1.The Lord is my shepard; I shall not want. 2.He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3.He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:for the thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5. Thou preparest a table before in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. It lead my family, doctors, friends, nurses to crying and tears of joy where released. . They were asking me what happen? I told them that this spirit visit me and told me to go back , I did just what it said, I was taught to be respectful and humble to listen and obey adults and the holy spirit. I'm alway reading and quoting today just like Isaish said in -1 Chapter Verus 19-20, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hathb spoken it. he gave me chose to choose death or life, I choose life, he place before me good or evil , I choose goodness of his glory.
I will live internal inside to become more like him external outside to serve the Lord with all my soul, heart, spirit, body, mind . I still ran alittle from my calling because I still won't to be apart of the world, but then I learn that you can be in the world and not have to take part of the world sins. I was healed with God miracle and his hand had been place on me and my life surrounding, blessing and everything I do and everything I touch and agree with the Lord and his decisions on my life.
Two years later I was blessed with my babyson, Kuyaunnis and it was another gift from God. Also I was blessed from God with a prayer of good and sweet , and humble man, he sent me a husband. Brother Rodney Ward, of Dothan Ala, God ordain our marriage in Houston County with both my parents as witnesses and my sons, in Holy Bonds and Matrimony in 1993 of August the 6th. This is when my father became very ill with cancer when I was 25 years old, my father on earth was diagnostic with prostate cancer. That's when I knew that God was trying to get me ready for the world in his Holy eye site, Holy ears, Holy voice, and the Holy walk of life.I had to stop running from my calling that God instore appond my life for me on earth with mankind. I was told not to tell any family member about this cancer, just keep it a secret and we will be ok, God has this in his holy hands. I didn't understand that pressure in that year and time frame, but as I get closer to God through his son Jesus it make it easy to deal with life expectations and trumoils. Both my parents are gone with the Lord, I think him for alying this time I had with them on earth and oneday soon I will see them again as long as I do God will and serve him in spirit and in truth. I will keep his commandments , laws, statues and obey his rules and ask for decrees through his anointing power.Psalm Chapter 27, 28 tells the songs they can explain some of the tests we go through when we are choosen from birth in our mother womb. Though the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The anointing that I'm walking through is so powerful with voice of tongues and vision , and hand to heal the sick and distress. My faith in God help me deal with my oldest son being diagnostic with brain tumor cancer.
The prayers of righteous is what been answer, he places us at the right place at right time. My oldest is choose from God and he has to stop running like I did when I was young to do what thus the Lord has destine for him on earth for his people.
My Pastor at my second home church, is a Woman of God calling, she has been a strength and blessing in my life also my family life for 11years,she took me and grab my family as hers, I have the upmost respect for this anointing lady that God sent into my life and family life, her teaching is so real that God shines on her face as she walk , talk and live his commandments on a daily bases, her love shows how much God uses her for his people , Pastor Alice Braddy does everything in her soul to teach and preach the gossip. The Lord is upon her soul and spirit and she do his will ,Pastor Alice Braddy of Faith Deliverance Church of Albany, Ga for ninistering for 36years in her and her husband foundation though God calling, he is dereases oversea Braddy, and left her to continue what he started. She has another King coming up in her place when God call her from labor to reward, Co-Pastor Anise Cooper, her voice say it all, her testomonies is from God glory and grace, she is walking in God anointing gifts. Also there is a warrior behind this ministry, Minister John Frankin, so glorified and God hand, he is using him for his people.
ULC Seminary School has helped me with my walk with the Lord a little more easy to understand God ways, laws, commandments ,statues, decrees, because his ways are not like ours or mankind. The Lesson have brought so much more understanding when I'm reading, and meditating on his word. The HOLY BIBLE, King James Version and many other versions,
Bishop Dr. Herbert L Fuchs and Minister Amy Long has been so humble to theircalling in God people of learning more about Jesus Christ our Saviour. I have really enjoyed the connection with Minister Amy Long, testomonies,spirit, love, education, gifts, traveling experiences, her willingness to help God people though the ULC Seminary Classes, Lesson, and Studies of biblical, theories of history. Her teaching, speaking ,soul, and her walk with Christ is special. My sister in Christ this Woman of God has so much power from God great anointing power of blessing and miracles. ULC Seminary was brought into my life for more guidance though God gifts of understanding of his will appond my life on earth.
The phenomonal experience with the ULC Seminary Lesson brought so much wisdom from God , wording meditating, fasting, and anointing powerful level of abundance. Though the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
The New Testament is the lesson I really enjoyed it , and I really recieve the message and it is used by most Christain Churches that I can say I have witness from visiting, or attending services. Every lesson gave me a little more understanding when reading about our savior Jesus Christ the Lord and his journey to save God people.
The reading from Gensis to Revelation. of the Holy Bible Chapters and veruses.
Master fo Religion of all 20 lesson gave me a brighter insite on the walk with the Lord.
Lesson 1-Bible Basic
Lesson 2-The Old Testament
Lesson 3-The New Testament
Lesson 4-The Lost Scriptures of the Bible
Lesson 5-The Effective Bible Story
Lesson 6-The Trinity
Lesson 7-Priesthood & Missonary Duties
Lesson 8-Religious Title
Lesson 9-Sacraments & Baptism
Lesson 10-Worship
Lesson 11-Marriage, Family & Tithing
Lesson 12-Prostitution and Drugs
Lesson 13-Divorce
Lesson 14-Counseling
Lesson 15-History of Church
Lesson 16-History of Church II
Lesson 17-History of Church III
Lesson 18-History of Church IV
Lesson 19-Religious Denominations
Lesson 20-Governmnent & Church
Ps. This is the end of my 500 plus wordsEssay but not my walk with the Lord. Amen
Minister Phyllis James Ward
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Master Of Religion Lesson-20:Government & Church
Last Lesson for the online classes from the ULC Seminary. Before the powerful essay of 500words of learning and experiences with theses classes.
Government & Church
I feel that I have learned for this lesson and other lessons like this one that Church and Government does go together and very well, I must say. The country does depend on this for peace in the United States. I see that the statistic for more than 200,000 Christains are discriminated against and have a fear of death worldwide because of their religious or governmental beliefs.
The money that is printed in the United States which is legal does have IN GOD WE TRUST very bold so it gives a message to our people and other countries we are the land of free, and do serve with liberty and justice, not like other countries that laws and rules prohibit these actions.
There are so many lost people in the United States that are still not Christains or live by the ten commandments or the governmental laws and rules, but we have to pray for them as well.
I can say Minister Amy Long, that I do understand and It shows that you also understand the power of Church and Government together, goes hand to hand in our country for the better of all people rights for ther living on earth with mankind. I have been in business for myself for 12years, dealing with Government. I can say I truly enjoy the Church part of me that deals with my clients and future customers to be successful in this world, and to do God will is very important. I understand we are in two different types of warfare. Governemental and Spiritual which is the Church. They both have to be meet and dealth with in order, unity to satify the Father, Son, and Holy Ghosts on earth internal and external.
Minsiter Phyllis J Ward
Government & Church
I feel that I have learned for this lesson and other lessons like this one that Church and Government does go together and very well, I must say. The country does depend on this for peace in the United States. I see that the statistic for more than 200,000 Christains are discriminated against and have a fear of death worldwide because of their religious or governmental beliefs.
The money that is printed in the United States which is legal does have IN GOD WE TRUST very bold so it gives a message to our people and other countries we are the land of free, and do serve with liberty and justice, not like other countries that laws and rules prohibit these actions.
There are so many lost people in the United States that are still not Christains or live by the ten commandments or the governmental laws and rules, but we have to pray for them as well.
I can say Minister Amy Long, that I do understand and It shows that you also understand the power of Church and Government together, goes hand to hand in our country for the better of all people rights for ther living on earth with mankind. I have been in business for myself for 12years, dealing with Government. I can say I truly enjoy the Church part of me that deals with my clients and future customers to be successful in this world, and to do God will is very important. I understand we are in two different types of warfare. Governemental and Spiritual which is the Church. They both have to be meet and dealth with in order, unity to satify the Father, Son, and Holy Ghosts on earth internal and external.
Minsiter Phyllis J Ward
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Master of Religion Lesson-19: Religious Denominations
This Lesson 19, really breakdown what is a Denomination? A Denomination is aset of like 'brand' of Christainity. There are four Church groups, of that direction, they are the Catholic,Protestant, Lutheran or perhaps a Christain.
The Denominations have been part of the Christain landscape since the Reformation. The Catholic and Orthodox Christains been around for more than hundreds of years before the seismic shift gave us the Lutherans, and the Reformed, the Anabaptist Brethrens and the Mennonites.
The Church began in the east among the Greek-speaking Jews, and the language of the ancient church was Greek. The rites of the Church, such as baptism and the Eucharist, were called *mysteries* of the church, and they are still in the Eastern Church. Mystery is a Greek word that was often used in philosophical and religious discussions to refer to knowledge that was once unclear, but is now revealed.
The Ancient church called the mystery of our**faith**, because they believed that the Old Testament had been teaching these doctrines all along, but they were only clear in Jesus Christ.
Many people seen to believe that they have recieve Gods order to become Priest and to start their own Church. Most of them probably have not sufficent qualifications to do so, other think that being able to quote the Bible verus parts quote flently, thier disbality and lack of knowledge to actually perform the sacramental church procedures.
Lets' talk about Money, some of these so-called churches appears to talk more about donations than God words, laws, statues, commandments, decrees. Most people I would guess are somewhat confuse with a Ordained Minsiter with a Business Manager. We all accept that a Church must recieve donations and tithling, and gifts to exist and upkeep the ministry to continue the mission for the Lords will for us that alies in the heart of faith, inside our spirit and truths well-being on earth.
Also lets' remember through everything we do in his church, to serve Him. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, It's his will to live by his words that are choosen for us to live a better life here internal and external for mankind on earth.
Minsiter PJWard
Feb.1, 2011
The Denominations have been part of the Christain landscape since the Reformation. The Catholic and Orthodox Christains been around for more than hundreds of years before the seismic shift gave us the Lutherans, and the Reformed, the Anabaptist Brethrens and the Mennonites.
The Church began in the east among the Greek-speaking Jews, and the language of the ancient church was Greek. The rites of the Church, such as baptism and the Eucharist, were called *mysteries* of the church, and they are still in the Eastern Church. Mystery is a Greek word that was often used in philosophical and religious discussions to refer to knowledge that was once unclear, but is now revealed.
The Ancient church called the mystery of our**faith**, because they believed that the Old Testament had been teaching these doctrines all along, but they were only clear in Jesus Christ.
Many people seen to believe that they have recieve Gods order to become Priest and to start their own Church. Most of them probably have not sufficent qualifications to do so, other think that being able to quote the Bible verus parts quote flently, thier disbality and lack of knowledge to actually perform the sacramental church procedures.
Lets' talk about Money, some of these so-called churches appears to talk more about donations than God words, laws, statues, commandments, decrees. Most people I would guess are somewhat confuse with a Ordained Minsiter with a Business Manager. We all accept that a Church must recieve donations and tithling, and gifts to exist and upkeep the ministry to continue the mission for the Lords will for us that alies in the heart of faith, inside our spirit and truths well-being on earth.
Also lets' remember through everything we do in his church, to serve Him. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, It's his will to live by his words that are choosen for us to live a better life here internal and external for mankind on earth.
Minsiter PJWard
Feb.1, 2011
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