Thursday, December 23, 2010

Master of Religion: Lesson 14---Counseling

    When counseling today's Christians, Fundamental training is highly recommended!
Throughtout a counseling session, the goal is to change the counselor's focus on the false self , a self of lusts and appetites to a realization of his true self, a self in union with Christ. This is accomplished by a continuous process of judging self, one's own sins, to accomplishing God's purposes for his life by loving him and the others foremost, daily dying of the old man and putting on of the new man.

This maintain a state of forgiving and reconciling throughout life, Christ is in us to work out our salvation daily.
I recommend every Christian Minister to strive for more eductaion, reading, meditation on his Bible daily,and training in order to provide these important services of new and old Leaders to help perform better decisions,
Christian Counseling, sufficiently and adequately to help God people make great, and wise decisions about life endurance of mankind here on earth and eternal.

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