Thursday, December 23, 2010

Master of Religion: Lesson 14---Counseling

    When counseling today's Christians, Fundamental training is highly recommended!
Throughtout a counseling session, the goal is to change the counselor's focus on the false self , a self of lusts and appetites to a realization of his true self, a self in union with Christ. This is accomplished by a continuous process of judging self, one's own sins, to accomplishing God's purposes for his life by loving him and the others foremost, daily dying of the old man and putting on of the new man.

This maintain a state of forgiving and reconciling throughout life, Christ is in us to work out our salvation daily.
I recommend every Christian Minister to strive for more eductaion, reading, meditation on his Bible daily,and training in order to provide these important services of new and old Leaders to help perform better decisions,
Christian Counseling, sufficiently and adequately to help God people make great, and wise decisions about life endurance of mankind here on earth and eternal.

Master of Religion :Lesson 13--- Divorce

   A good marriage takes alot of patience, love and understanding, and foremost respect towards your partner.  If anything of these important ethic or emotioms are missing you are not sure that both of you respect one another, truly patience for one another and love, then you should have couseling or talk to Pastor or Minister before getting married or if married before getting a divorce.

Divorce is terminal, it's an end to hope and dreams from months or years even perhaps decades of shared experience that evaporates.

It all depends on you and your Church or Denomination , for it usually a sin for two Christians or two Baptized people in which in the Spirit of God to divorce.

Christians must be reconciled, in Christian Marriages, divorce with remarriage is usually a godly option on when one partner refuse the discipline of the Word of God and his church. No marriage is perfect, it is unique and imperfect.

* Marriage was insitiuted by the Creator as the best possible way with a few execeptions for two separate human beings to live. It is based on the builtin physical, mental, psychological, emotional traits of male and female, we need one another.

Man is incomplete without woman; and Woman is incomplete without man. Commit your marriage to God and Jesus. Christians of all people are responisble to make our marriage work, you can make this work with the accomplishments with God help.

Today churchs are vital part of stablizing society. The church has a very important obligation to fillfull and it is the Minister or Pastor of the Church who determine major directions.Social work is basis of many church and how to create a strong and heathy congregation.

Helping others are christian duties, doing the work professional or with professionalism and love is the primary social obligation of any church.

Master Of Religion: Lesson 12 --Prostitution and Drugs

   First of all lets start with saying, how can or how do we react to a person that visit our Foundation or Church Building being a prostitute?

      God is the judge of all sins, not us as human being, we should treat one another as we want to be treated, with love and kindness as Christian people or Children of God.
      How long a person may take to resolve a problem or problems like that one or being a prostitue , depends on her/his strength between themselves and God only.

 *In some cases prostitution is a fact that it is blooming best or more in poor countries
   Which means we should strive to help them , not condemn those people, we might be able to help someone to free a problem from themselves , that's the Christian way of life and that's how to handle things in a Christian matters.

  Prostitution causes many addictions problems like substance abuse, alcoholism and crimes of many levels accompany the scene.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse
  Substance abuse, when people who abuse alcohol and drugs keep using them even when they know it is hurting them, and those they love. 
 Alcohol is disease , this means the alcoholic is sick.

If you can't get  the Christians and Foundations to understand and be patience with your problems,which they  should do and be like God, which is patience with us, then come to God which  can work all miracles and give you all the strength and understanding you will need to fight for yourself against theses diseases and addictions, because Jesus will be on your side at all times. Just call on him.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lesson 11-Marriage,Family,& Tithing

  This lesson is very warm minded to the wording of God enlightful meaning to his books in the Old Testament and the New Testament of his leaders to give his children the understanding of what mankind should understand about Marriages, Family, and Tithing.  Tithing is a great things in God foundation for the Churchs. It supports the Priests , Pastors, Ministers,  leaders who or ordain to do God will for mankind for a descent living.   The bible tells us about paying our tithes and tithing, donations, and gifts to Christ who love the Church. 

 Marriage is a wonderful thing in the law of the land, and God institute marriages very early on after creating mankind.

 The New Testament of 2 Timothy speaks of qualifications of Elders and Deacons, to be husband of just one wife, and many more details about his calling and doing his work for Church of God.

 A basic rule a solid family to first have solid parents, and the parents that support of the family, not only economically, but morally and spirituallly should be established on a solid foundation. I really enjoyed all these three subject and I wish we could be more open in the Church about them to mankind conversation to wisdom, knowledge, and being wise from God.